Bessemer Township board approves training for new officials
By CHARITY SMITH RAMSAY – New Bessemer Township board members Hope Tarnaski and Sue Roberts will be receiving virtual training through the Michigan Township Association following the board’s approval during its regular meeting on Monday. “They will just learn what their roles are on the board. What their duties are and expectations on the board,” said township supervisor Jeff Randall. Randall said Tarnaski, who is now the board treasurer, will be taking training on how to get tax issues and Roberts will gain better insight as to her role as a trustee. The board also: —Appointed Randall and trustee Bev Ikola to represent the township on the Gogebic Range Water Authority Board, with Roberts as the alternate. —Discussed the pending start of new utility-billing clerk Kristy Dums, who was hired last week during a special meeting. Randall said they don’t have a firm start date for her, but she will start sometime after Dec. 1.