Sewer Permits
- Approved sewer permits are required prior to installation of sewer lateral.
- All fees must be paid upon receipt of approved permit.
- Permits expire one year from date of issue.
- Property owner or contractor must submit approved copies of Gogebic County Road Commission’s open road cut permit and Michigan State Plumbing permit, and any other permits that might be required, with this application.
- Attach a detailed site plan drawing showing the exact location and depth of sewer lateral. Indicate the direction “North” on site plan. List roadway and street names. Show location of all structures, water wells and existing septic fields and distance from sewer lateral. State distances in “feet”. Indicate the length of sewer lateral to main.
Sewer lateral must be constructed using “PVC” pipe SCHEDULE “35” or better;

using only gasketed slip-type joints. Glued joints are not permitted. (Check with
local Health Department (906-667-0200) for special rules that apply to pipe size
when a sewer lateral is constructed closer than 50 feet of drinking water well.)
“Tracer” wires or pipe locator tape must be installed. Clean-outs must be installed
as required by Michigan State Plumbing code.